Finishing Places in the Bone, had me hankering for another memoir, and thankfully, my friend Sarah out in Iowa had just the book. Queen of the Oddballs by Hillary Carlip is a hilarious memoir of someone I barely know. This was my first mission at the bookstore find a copy of this book. Upon securing the last copy of the memoir, I set about another task, finding the Blood Books by Tanya Huff. Mind you at the time of my search, I could not remember the author's name, nor the titles of the books. All I could remember was they books were the basis of a Lifetime show, Blood Ties. I tried just looking for the books in the horror section; then I attempted to check out the mystery/suspense section; little did I know that she is considered a fantasy author. I headed back to the information desk and put in my keywords: vampire (too many results), blood ties (too many books not related to the show), and finally private investigator and vampires (eureka it worked!). Again, the search computer told me that one volume was "likely" in the store, while another volume you had to reserve, and the last volume was "on order." Lo and behold, the information desk staffwoman came to my rescue and brought me over to the fantasy section where we located volumes 1 and 3; I had to order volume 2. You would think that the search for books would be over. But no.
I had three books, two of them cheaper paperbacks, a 30% off coupon, and an urge to find more vampires. Eclipse, which is a recent book from Stephenie Meyer, peaked my interest, but again it was the third in a series. I began to hunt. We found the second book in the series, New Moon, right away. But the first book in the series eluded me. Perhaps again because I assumed it was a horror novel. I am full of misconceptions.

Suffice to say, I did not leave with 6 books, but with four. I got 30 percent off oddballs, and the others were inexpensive enough that my giftcard covered a majority of the costs. Yeah for me.

Sounds like an experience. I hate wandering all over the place looking for things, which is why I put books on hold at the library so when they come in I know right where they will be. LOL
Hope to hear your thoughts on these books soon.
LOL i have to start using the library more, but now i have all these new books, so i guess the trip to the library will be put off again!
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