As part of Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW), many of the participants were asked
1. What prompted you to start a book blog?
One of my friends that I met through Library Thing has a book blog on LiveJournal. I liked how she could document her thoughts about her completed books. I often read books but don’t remember details, and more importantly, how I felt about the book once I was done. So, I followed her lead and started The Magic Lasso in May 2007.
2. How would you describe your blogging experience?
Therapeutic, intellectual, compelling and downright fun. When I look back at all of my posts, I sometimes can’t believe that I wrote this stuff. As I reread a review, such as my one for Middlesex, I can remember how angry I was that I wasted my time on a book that I didn’t like – and how therapeutic it was to bang out those mad feelings somewhere.
It’s also been interesting to “meet” other book bloggers. There are some wonderful people out there with book blogs. It’s my pleasure and honor to cross paths with them.
3. Can you describe your reading and review process? Do you have a specific routine or questions that you keep in mind while reading?
As an English Lit major, literary tropes and devices are engrained in my brain. When I read for pleasure, it’s understandable how my brain wants to dissect a book for literary criticism. For that reason, I try not to read with any design. Just read, enjoy and reflect.
When writing reviews, I typically have a standard format: book summary, my thoughts and then my recommendation. Most of my reviews are 3-5 paragraphs in length.
4. Do you find that the reading challenges you accept play too large a role in your book blogging?
In a way, I am a slave to reading challenges. They determine the order that I read books and put some pressure on my reading habits.
Next year, I need to commit to less reading challenges so I can enjoy non-challenge books without the guilt of reading a book that is not earmarked for a challenge.
5. What are your favorite things about blogging?
a.) Meeting other book bloggers
b.) Getting comments from people, including authors. I have received comments from Anne Rice, Alan Brennert, Chris Bohjalian, which was absolutely thrilling
c.) Participating in The Sunday Salon – a group of bloggers who blog every Sunday about what they’re reading
d.) Just the ability to write. I like to think of myself as a writer. I write at work but not in a creative way. My blog gives me an outlet to write something besides Web copy and ads.
6. Are there any features that you think are unique to your blog, such as challenges, giveaways, contests, etc.?
I have never hosted a contest or an official challenge. I did start Orange July, which was a personal challenge where I read books that have won or been nominated for the Orange Prize throughout the month of July. The idea caught on, and I think about 25 people participated with me. We’ll be repeating in January.
7. Do you find it difficult to juggle your blogging pursuits with motherhood and your other obligations?
No, in fact, I would argue that my reading and blogging hobbies make me a better mom because I have a hobby that’s my own. My kids are a bit older and self-sufficient, which helps.
8. How did you come up with the title of your blog and why or what does it signify?

I grew up watching Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. I was intrigued that a woman could be a superhero of equal strength as Superman or Batman. One of Wonder Woman’s weapons was The Magic Lasso. When someone was ensnarled in The Magic Lasso, they must tell the truth, could remember repressed memories and was protected from others.
My Magic Lasso is a place of truth. At least that’s always my goal.
(I used to love watching Wonder Woman myself, and I've even ordered Season 1 on DVD.)
9. Who are your favorite authors?
Margaret Atwood, Geraldine Brooks, Dan Brown, Sarah Dunant, Khaled Hosseini,, Margaret Mitchell, Anna Quindlen, Anne Rice, Mary Doria Russell, Diane Setterfield, Shel Silverstein, Nicholas Sparks, Anne Tyler and Markus Zusak
(Seems like Jill and I have similar tastes in authors; I also enjoy Zusak, Sparks, Brown, and Silverstein)
10. What are some of your hobbies and what need to they fulfill?
Being married with two sons; working a high-pressure, full-time job; driving long commutes – it doesn’t leave a lot of time for hobbies. Obviously, my biggest hobbies are reading and writing on my blog. That just leaves my vices, which are my favorite TV shows: Prison Break, Lost, American Idol and Survivor. I always make time for them!
(We may have more in common than I realized. My latest favorite television show is Prison Break, and this season is shaping up to be even more twisted than the last. And readers should know I have loved and LOST! LOL Ok, that joke was lame, but you get my point.)
11. Why did you join Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW)?
When I read about BBAW, I thought: “Well it’s about time!” Not only does it celebrate us as a community of like-minded people, it also recognizes our contributions to the book industry. How many of us heard about a book through a review on a book blog? If I was not a book blogger, I probably would never read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak or The Colour by Rose Tremain – and my reading is certainly more enriched because I’ve read both. I like to think that in some small way, I am influencing readers to select their next books too.
I know that many professional literary critics look down their noses at book bloggers. However, I would argue that we’re a force to be reckoned with. Just like those literary critics, I have a stack of ARCs directly from publishers that reinforces my point. Grassroots marketing can be powerful if used effectively. I am glad that many publishers see it that way too.
Thanks to My Friend Amy for hosting BBAW and special thanks to Serena for being my interview partner!
I also want to extend a thank you to My Friend Amy for hosting BBAW and to Jill for answering my questions.

DEADLINE: Sept. 19, midnight EST.
Another friendly reminder about these contests:
1. Diary of an Eccentric is holding a contest for The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold and The Choice by Nicholas Sparks Deadline is Sept. 30
2. Savvy Verse & Wit is holding a contest for Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg as the first contest for Book Blogger Appreciation Week Deadline is Sept. 19
3. Book Club Girl has a new contest today as well.
Please also double-check the list of giveaways that continues to grow at My Friend Amy's blog.

Hi, Serena! Wow, it's wonderful to see one's name in lights! And now you can check out your interview on my blog:
Have a great day and thanks for being such a great interview partner!
Jill =)
I'm in awe that Jill does so much blogging with all that's going on. Great interview!
Great interview! It was fun to learn some more things about Jill. She's one of my blogging buddies, but we've never talked indepth about why we do it, etc. Thanks!
And Jill IS a wonder woman!!
Very fun interview. I, too, was an English Lit major, but I find it harder to reign in my instincts. I read with either a pencil or sticky notes in hand so I can mark passages I love.
Sounds like you had as much fun with your interview as I did with mine.
Hurray for Amy and BBAW!!
Thank you all for commenting on the interview. I think Jill and I had a great time interviewing one another. I learned a lot and have already begun counting her as one of my regular reads.
All of you are entered with one entry into today's contest, even Jill. Good luck to you all!
BBAW has been so much fun - Amy's got such great ideas!
The activities are only going to get more interesting I am sure. Amy is great! Thanks for stopping by my interview with Jill and entering the contest!
Terrific interview! Jill is one of my favorite bloggers and I enjoyed the opportunity to get to know her a little better. I was a big fan of Wonder Woman when I was growing up. I keep eying that DVD set but haven't given in to getting it yet. :-)
I would love to enter your giveaway, Serena. I am not sure how to directly link my comment on Jill's blog but my most recent comment was in regards to your interview: http://mrstreme.livejournal.com/60197.html.
I'll be checking the links to comments however they are left. I'm sure I will notice everyone's comments in my filtering.
Thanks for commenting. Good luck in the contest.
Great interview. I really enjoy getting to know the bloggers on a more personal level. It's interviews like this that make that a reality. :)
And what a fun inspiratin for your blog name. I love it! ;)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You are entered into the contest.
Guess what came in the mail today! Season 1 of Wonder Woman! WOOOHOOO!
Wow, wonder woman never ages, great interview...when do you actually sleep though?
What a great idea. Interview a blogger, why not? It's nice to know something about the person , and the mind, behind the blog you're reading. And I'd love to win a book of poetry by another beat poet. Please enter me, Thank you.
Author interviews always fascinate me! It is fun learning more about the person behind the book. Thanks for such an interesting view of Jill. Cindi
Sandy: I work in the early morning much like a news bureau and come home early afternoon...then i spend the evening working on blogs...then I read and watch television, spend time with the hubby, and hit the bed around 10pm...lol
Sandra: Thanks for entering the contest.
It's great that blogging attracts so main different people and I'm impressed with the number of well know auhtors who stop by.
Theresa N
I think having authors stop by various blogs is my favorite part of blogging actually. I've always been interested in learning about their writing processes to see what other writers do.
Great interview! I've got a new blog to read now!
I'd love to be entered in your contest, of course. I'll go over and check out her interview with you now!
Thanks for reading the interviews...I had fun with these.
I love the idea of getting the blog name from "The Magic Lasso" - how clever!!
I'd also enjoy a copy of this book (Coney Island...)you are giving away!
Thank you for the opportunity!
darbyscloset (at) yahoo (dot) com
Darby: Thanks for entering this contest as well. And I noticed that you left your email! :)
I like that, always trying to stick to the truth, that's good.
Power to you for it!
etwilight @ yahoo .com
Dizzy: I think Jill has a huge undertaking on her hands!
Oh, excellent interview!
I did post a comment -
Super interview and I had totally forgotten about Wonder Woman's magic lasso. lol
I made a post at Jill's site at this link:
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