I offered to be Monica's guinea pig, and she sent me five questions to answer. So here is Monica's interview with me.
1. Why did you call your blog "Savvy Verse & Wit"?
I toyed with a lot of different names for my blog. I wanted the blog name to signify its content, which I hoped would be writing, reading, and a bit of humor. I always loved verse as a poet and I love the word Savvy, so all that was left was Wit. It is really not that great of a story to tell. Kind of lame, right?!
2. You read and review a lot of books, but what was the first book you fell in love with as a kid?
The first book I fell in love with as a kid was The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, but it was a short time later that I fell in love with Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic, Where the Sidewalk Ends, and The Giving Tree. Those were my favorite books as a kid, but I graduated from those on my own to Hamlet and King Lear on my own before I read them in school. It was a short time later that I discovered Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.
3. If you could live anywhere in the world (money not an issue) where would it be and why?
This is a loaded question because there are a ton of places I would love to live. I think that I'm a bit of a nomad. There are three places I would love to live if I had the money. Number one on the list is Boston, downtown, in a penthouse apartment with my hubby and my fluffy Keeshond. Number two on that list is Terceira, Azores because that's where some of my family lives, though I don't speak Portuguese fluently. I think that would be something to remedy before moving there. Third on the list is somewhere in Ireland, probably somewhere rural. I just love the scenery of the Irish countryside and would love to soak that in. I guess I was only to pick one...never said I like to follow the rules.
4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I haven't got a clue. I would like to say that I would have a few published books of poetry, but one completed manuscript would be fantastic. I'd like to also think I would be in Boston, living there with the hubby and fluffy Keeshond. Perhaps one kid, but you never know what life brings. I try to live my life one moment at a time and make the most of it.
5. You have joined a lot of book challenges, and hosted too... what is it that interests you about reading challenges?
Reading challenges help me focus on areas that I want to read and keep me reading even when I really want to just sit and watch television, mindlessly. The worlds created by books are far more enriching and worth spending the time on. I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I finally finish challenges. I've only joined 2 challenges, officially completing one of them. The second challenge I had to switch out some books to complete it on time. The WWII challenge is one of my favorites, and I am happy to cohost it with Anna at Diary of an Eccentric. I look forward to examining this time period in depth through nonfiction works and fiction works. I can't wait to unveil the 2010 challenge; it's another of my favorite time periods, and it was controversial and still may be.
For those of you who might want to be interviewed, here are the directions:
- Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
- I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
- You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
- You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
- When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Writing Goal Week #4:
I forgot to tell you that progress did not occur last week on the poem at all! I'm disappointed in myself once again, but perhaps this struggle to get back into the writing habit will spout new ideas.
Anyway, the goal remains the same this week to finish the poem I began.
I love the look of the Irish countryside too. Actually, some people say that the Azores and rural Ireland look alike a bit, but as I still haven't been there I can't say.
You got me curious about your 2010 challenge!
Fun interview. I want to live in Ireland too! :)
I'm always good for an interview... if you want.
Nymeth: I think the Azores has a rural feel like rural Ireland, and on Terceira there is a similar farm layout with the stone walls etc. But the flora and fauna are very different...more tropical on the Azores.
Suey: Ireland is gorgeous...thanks for volunteering for the interview...I'll email you the questions.
Well this was a cool twist, hearing YOUR interview. Loved it. Now yes, DO get that poem written! (smile)
Marvin: Thanks for the encouragement...I need it.
That was very interesting. I wouldn't mind being interviewed by you.
Hope the poem writing is going much better this week! I hope you'll share your poem with us - yes? :)
Iliana: I hope to have time to write tonight, but the hubby is home sick and he's a big baby sometimes...though i still love him.
Sorry to hear you didn't meet your writing goal. :(
I think the interviews are a great idea! Even though I've known you for ages, it was still great to read your responses.
I miss Boston, too. :(
Diary of an Eccentric
Fun idea :)
I like the questions and your answers. I like your blog name, its unique. The 2010 challenge has me curious!
Interview Me :o)
Anna: Does that mean you don't want me to interview you? YOu know I will come up with some great questions
Naida: Thanks for stopping by to check out the interview. I will email your questions tonight.
I really enjoyed your interview Serena. What a cool idea . And I'll join you in Ireland...
Luanne: feel free to ask and I can send you 5 questions to answer.
Ireland is a dream vacation for me.
Fantastic answers! I loved reading your answers.
I LOVE Shel Silverstein too. I am SO coming to visit you in Ireland :) in your little cottage!
Let me know when you need some buttons for this "2010 Challenge"... I'm intrigued!
Monica: I"m glad that you liked the answers. I will definitely let you know when we have the 2010 challenge ready to go and ask you about buttons :)
The first book I fell in love with was by Dr. Seuss!! It was Are You My Mother?.
I had a Keeshond and an American Eskimo growing up. They are beautiful dogs!
I got so excited that you have a Keeshond that I forgot to tell you I'd like you to interview me!!
Vicki: I think this is one of the first times I've seen you comment on my blog. I'm happy to meet you and hope you keep coming back.
I loved Dr. Seuss and read as many of his books as I could growing up. I love my keeshond, though he's getting all kinds of health ailments.
I would love to interview you. I'll send you five questions via email.
Great interview! I dream of going to Ireland one day.
I have an award for you here.
Well, if you want to interview me, go right ahead. I'm sort of scared about what you're going to ask me. :P
Diary of an Eccentric
I like this as a reverse-meme, rather than paying it forward, I have to ask for it (I'm TERRIBLE about answering and passing along memes, and posting awards (and sharing them)) ... having said all that, and admitted to my tendency to slack when one of these lands on me, I'll say that it was fun to learn more about you, and 5 questions is manageable for me -- yes, please interview me!
Anna: I will send you 5 questions tonight. woohooo
Dawn: i will send you 5 interview questions tonight as well
Hmm, still thinking if I'll bite and say yes Serena - tempted, but shy...
Great interview, Serena. That penthouse apartment in Boston sounds pretty nice!
Hi Serena, I've posted my answers to your interview questions and left a link to this post here:
Shana: I have big dreams and little money! LOL
Interesting interview!!
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