Stephanie Plum and Diesel are back on the hunt, but not for Sandy Claws this time--Snuggy O'Connor who thinks he's a leprechaun. This little person not only thinks he's a leprechaun, but that he can disappear from sight on a whim to steal from mobsters and others. Oh, he also thinks he can talk to animals, like horses.
This reader would have snorted coffee through her nose if she were drinking any when Snuggy talks to a doberman at a mobster's home and the dog convinces him to merely take his clothes off to disappear in front of everyone's eyes. Can you say the emperor's new clothes?
Grandma Mazur returns and finds a bag of money on the sidewalk, which happens to be stolen from a mobster by Snuggy. Grandma doesn't know, heads off to Atlantic City, and is in gambler's paradise before disaster strikes and she's kidnapped by a mobster, Delvina. Snuggy wants to pay off Delvina to get his horse, Doug, back from the mobster and Stephanie and Diesel must team up with Snuggy to recoup the gambled money and pay off Delvina to get Grandma back.
From the snarky comments between Stephanie, Snuggy, Diesel, Grandma Mazur, Lula, and Connie to the details of Atlantic City and Daffy's casino, Evanovich paints a vivid scene with an eclectic cast of characters. Ranger even makes an appearance in this one, along with Morelli.
This made the commute fly by, and I am looking forward to the next Between-the Numbers novel on audio.
Also Reviewed By:
The Movieholic & Bibliophile
I haven't yet read this one, I admit. The between the number books of this series haven't impressed me much, but I know I will read it eventually. I can't resist Grandma Mazur. I am glad to hear you enjoyed listening to it! :-)
Evanovitch is the one author who CAN make me snort coffee out my nose. She is hysterical. There just aren't any other characters like grandma Mazur and Lula for laughs. I just adore those two! Sounds like you really enjoyed it.
I bet this would be a fun one to listen to!
What a great use for the between the numbers books! I'd always heard they weren't worth it, but as commute entertainment makes sense! Also, I am so loving your blog design lately!
I must admit that I haven't read anything by Janet Evanovich yet...but it sounds like the audiobook would be fun! I think I will see if it's available at my library today. Thanks for sharing the review!
Literary Feline: I think the Between the Numbers probably work best as Audio books...the narration just makes them amusing. I laugh out loud in the mornings.
Kaye: I forgot to mention my favorite part with the Rocket Launcher and Lula! Poor Stephanie...another car gone.
Bermudaonion: I just love listening to these in the morning.
Carolyn: I heard they weren't great either, but then again I think most people were reading rather than listening to them. Thanks for the compliment. Monica at Monniblog helped me with the header.
Jo-Jo: audiobooks are great for these novels...especially fast-paced and comedic pieces.
Gottawrite Girl: I completely agree...the names she comes up with for these characters are hilarious.
Love it when a book makes those miles fly! :-)
Marie: those make the best audio books.
I used to be such a fan of the Plum books but got a bit burned out on them. I guess it was one too many car explosions :)
I love Grandma Mazur and Lula though. Oh man are those crazy ladies or what. So funny.
Iliana: Once in a while you just need a really crazy character!
I just can't get into this series. Everyone seem to love it, but I have found the three I read just not up my alley.
Carol: I'm not sure that I would be into these as much as I am if it weren't for the audiobook. I think some books are just meant to be audiobooks and nothing else.
I'm not sure these books are my cup of tea, but I bet they would make long drives fly by. That Grandma character sounds like a riot. Great review.
Diary of an Eccentric
I think I may have said this on the last one you listened to but I absolutely love these on audio. They never fail to crack me up. I love the adventures of Grandma Mazur-what a character she is.
This sounds like a super-fun book on audio. Thanks, Serena. :D
I dearly love this series. I want to catch up so bad, but I don't think I'll be able to this year.
Anna: I don't know that I would read these books, but listening to them is great fun.
Dar: I love lula as well. she is hilarious. I can't help but laugh about her outfits and her reactions to stuff.
Jeannie: I say give these a try if you want to laugh.
J.Kaye: it's tough catching up to stuff. I hear you on that. These are great on audio though.
I tried an audio book once but found my attention span was too short--although it may have been the book (Eragon). I'll have to see if my library has a copy of these. They sound like a lot of fun--and anything to make that commute faster! How long do you have to go?
Okay, I finally got the whole Between the Numbers thing after reading Wendy's comment! I can be so slow sometimes.
I'm glad you and your husband enjoyed this Serena. Anything that makes travel go by more quickly is fantastic in my opinion and it's nice that you enjoy the same books!
Trish: my commute isn't that long, but we get up really early because my hours are early. So its enough to have me functional when i get to work and face deadlines
Shana: I think its funny that these are called between the numbers since many of them have to do with holidays...lol st. patrick's day, halloween, christmas...etc.
I'm not sure I could listen to these since the voice kind of is distracting. I know the characters are supposed to sound like that but they don't in my head.
I reviewed this one too
You're making good use of your commuting time!
I'm just starting to listen to audiobooks, and only when I run (so it's taking weeks to finish one ... maybe I should run more often?). I've got *Outliers* in the works now.
Dawn: You can either run more or pick shorter books for audio. LOL Plum Lucky is only 3 discs
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