1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
Hour 18 when I finished my first book. My eyes were hurting, I was tired, and I really needed a break.
2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
The Keeper of Light and Dust is a fantastic book and I was engaged the whole time, minus some self-induced interruptions. James Patterson novels should have been on my reading list too, since I can never put those down.
3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
No suggestions here. I really had a great time and enjoyed most of the challenges, but when you are in the last hours its hard for your brain to think or be overly creative.
4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
I really enjoyed the mini-challenges and the hourly updates. It kept me motivated.
5. How many books did you read?
I read 1 book...sad I know. But I did start The Mechanics of Falling by Catherine Brady this morning.
6. What were the names of the books you read?
The Keeper of Light and Dust by Natasha Mostert
7. Which book did you enjoy most?
I only read one book, so I guess it can only be one answer: The Keeper of Light and Dust by Natasha Mostert
8. Which did you enjoy least?
None, though I didn't like the fact that I only read one whole book.
9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
I was a reader this year.
10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
I'll definitely participate next time, though I'm not sure if I will be a reader or cheerleader...this staying up is brutal! Yet, fun.
Thanks so much for joining, Serena! I'm so glad you had a good time.
I slept for a bit, too, but you knew that since I was half asleep when you called. But I was up again, and I finished the book. Finally! Glad you had a lot of fun.
Diary of an Eccentric
I am so glad that you finished the book Anna...have you started any others? I started The Mechanics of Falling this morning.
Nope, I haven't started anything else. I just finished Guernsey about 10 minutes ago and I'm catching up with things online. I have to get in the shower soon to get ready for church. I think it's great that you started another one.
Diary of an Eccentric
When I started getting tired I found myself on the computer cheerleading a lot more. I read a Patterson book and breezed through it. I've never read anything so fast in my life!
Great work :D
I will so participate next time
Congrats! You did great!
I want to see a wrap-up post from you Anna!
AWESOME! applause, applause
Great job!
It is brutal. I usually can't stay up the whole time. I almost always take a 2-3 hour nap.
Well done. It was fun, wasn't it :)
It was great fun and I didn't pretty well for my first one...at least I think so!
Having fun is the more important than how many books you finished! I forget that sometimes but it's true. And it sounds like you had a great day. Congrats on your first read-a-thon!
I'm so happy you liked Keeper of Light and Dust, too. I was surprised by how good it was - which reminds me that I need to select my winner. Oops!
I'm glad that we were first timers together. Yeah us for doing something new!
godo for you serena! I finished up one book too, and began a second like you :)
I meant 'good for you'
lol, still sleepy here I guess :)
literateHousewife: Indeed, yipee for us! We did do something new...are you going to participate in October.
Naida: Great! I'm sorry I wasn't about the Web too much while reading. I'm glad you did so well and had fun too.
Great job, Serena! Enjoy your sleep.
I think you did a great job - congratulations!
I didn't do this and to me anyone who did, is a winner! WOW! Kudos!
Thanks so much for all your support!
I bet you and Anna and The Girl had more fun than anyone else participating.
Great job Serena. I couldn't make it the whole time. Keeper of Light and Dust was great, wasn't it. That would have been a good book for a read-a-thon. Next time I would definitely start with books with shorter pages-that was a downfall for me. Glad you had fun!
Fantastic job..this sounds like soooooooo much fun!
Congratulations on finishing the readathon!
Congrats on making it through. :)
Glad you had fun! And, sleep is never a bad thing!
Congratulations! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Get some sleep! =)
Congratulations! Well done!!
Good job! Congrats on finishing!
Congrats! You did a great job Serena!
Wasn't it fun?!
Hey - you read 301 pages? ONE MORE THAN I DID?! Were you trying to beat me? too funny. Have you napped? tomorrow is going to hurt even worse, methinks. GOOD JOB!
Great job! Even if it was only one book. I thought I would read a lot more than I did.
Care: I had no idea that you read less than me...I was too absorbed in that book! I'm a bit tired today though.
Natasha: yeah one book was it, but I think I know to start with smaller books.
Glad to see you enjoyed it. I also had to go to bed so didn't get much read. Most of that is my fault though. I hope you enjoy it next time again.
thatsthebook: thanks for stopping by. Next read-a-thon will be great!
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