May 18, 2009

Mailbox Monday #30

Mailbox Monday is sponsored by Marcia at The Printed Page. It's not only a list of books that I received in the mail, but also books I bought or received from the library and friends over the last week.

1. Beach Trip by Cathy Holton for review for August from Ballantine Books.

2. At the Threshold of Alchemy by poet John Amen, editor of Pedestal Magazine, for review.

3. 2 copies of The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire by C.M. Mayo, signed by the author at her recent appearance at The Writer's Center. Check out my review here.


Toni said...

Looking good... I can't wait to read The Beach Trip. Great mailbox. Here is mine.

Blodeuedd said...

The Mayo book looks interesting, happy reading :D

Lenore Appelhans said...

Agree about the Mayo book. I love Latin American stories.

Sandy Nawrot said...

I have no idea what The Beach Trip is about, but I'd read it. I want to go on a beach trip 365 days a year! I've seen the Mayo book around, and it has gotten some decent reviews.

Michele said...

I'm really looking forward to the Mayo book. I'll be interested to hear your take on it!

Anna said...

Looks like you had a good week. Happy reading! I'll be posting my Mailbox later this morning.

Diary of an Eccentric

bermudaonion said...

I got Beach Trip a few weeks ago and will be reviewing it next month.

Jo-Jo said...

I also have Beach Trip and can't wait to read it!

Literary Feline said...

I hope you enjoy your new books, Serena. They all sound good!

Kristen said...

I've seen a few of Beach Trip around and it does look good.

My mailbos is here:

gautami tripathy said...

Mayo books seems great!

I would like to read it. Gonna check it out!

Here is my post

Darlene said...

Beach Trip sounds good. I'm very late with my review for The Last Prince but I have to say I'm really enjoying it.

Ti said...

I just love the idea of Beach Trip and the cover makes me want to head off to the beach for a weekend of fun.

Kathleen said...

I agree the cover of Beach Trip makes me want to go to the beach!

Also have you noticed that I added a top commentors to my blog? Guess who's number one???

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Nice mix. I agree with the comments about The Beach Trip!

Iliana said...

I hadn't heard of Beach Trip but had to look at the Amazon description. I wouldn't mind being on a beach myself right now :)

Enjoy your new books!

Anonymous said...

I so want The Prince of the Mexican Empire :)

The Bookworm said...

great books in the mail serena!
happy reading :)