May 26, 2009

The Whole Truth by David Baldacci

I won The Whole Truth by David Baldacci from She is Too Fond of Books back in March. Hubby and I have been listening to this on and off during the commute and on our most recent drive to Massachusetts for a little bit of a vacation.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a corporation had too much power and was run by a twisted mind? How about a powerful military contracting firm? In The Whole Truth, Nicolas Creel wants to spur weapons build-up among the world powers, but to recreate the Cold War, Creel must set the pieces in motion to ensure two major superpowers or super power wanna-be nations are at odds--Russia and China. Meanwhile, Shaw an underground operative for a secretive agency wants out to marry the woman of his dreams, Anna Fischer, and lead a normal life. Katie James, on the outside looking in, is an on-the-way-down reporter who stumbles upon the story of her life and the century.

The Whole Truth is James Patterson on steroids; it's bigger and better than most crime fiction. My hubby says this novel could easily be transformed into a summer blockbuster. Shaw is a deeply tormented character, and Katie is an ambitious journalist and idealist. Creel is as every bit as bad as Blofeld and Goldfinger in the James Bond franchise. The suspense in this novel will have readers on the edge of their seats, and the emotional undertones will have readers running the gamut from exhilaration and anxiety to deep sorrow. The fate of the world is in Shaw's hands.

Check out these giveaways:

1 Signed Copy of The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire by C.M. Mayo, here. Deadline is May 30, 2009, 11:59PM EST.

2 copies of The Wonder Singer by George Rabasa, here; Deadline is May 30, 2009, 11:59 PM EST


Literary Feline said...

This sounds like one wild ride! I've only ever read one book by David Baldacci, The Christmas Train, which I really liked.

Blodeuedd said...

never read a Baldacci book, but I just realised that it would be a kind of books that I would rather listen to than read :)

Louise said...

I like the James Patterson on steroids-description. I think, however, that Baldacci is leagues better than Patterson, who squirts out between 5 and 10 books a year and NO AUTHOR can do that and still maintain a level of quality and style in their writing. And it shows in Pattersons books, which are becoming more and more....well, in fact I think they are becoming more and more horrible! Ok, a bit sidetracked here ;o) Thanks for a great review.

Sandy Nawrot said...

Ooooh, I'm jealous you won that! If you want a looming, sinister company that owns our souls, you might do a little checking on Monsanto. That would give you what you need!

Anna said...

"James Patterson on steroids" LOL Love that line. I haven't read (or listened to) anything by this author, but it sounds like a good book. Glad you and hubby enjoyed it.

Diary of an Eccentric

bermudaonion said...

This sounds great! Sometimes it's hard to find an audio book that appeals to both me and my husband.

Unknown said...

I love the "James Patterson on steroids" comparison. it's so true about Baldacci. I haven't read this one yet but all the books that I did read by him, I loved.

Darlene said...

I'm glad to hear you guys liked it. I won it from Dawn too but haven't had a chance to give it a listen.

Michele said...

I'm thinking this would be a terrific Father's Day gift!

Serena said...

Thanks for all the compliments. I've been disappointed with a number of Patterson's most recent books, so this was a great departure for me in the same genre. I think Baldacci is an author I will be happy to check out more of on audio.

Becky W. said...

I've gone Baldacci crazy this year and have listened to 5 of his books, and have a new one on the way. Glad to hear that you liked this one! Divine Justice and Stone Cold are two others that are really good!

Serena said...

Becky W: I have only read this one, but thanks for the tips!

Ladytink_534 said...

This sounds really, really cool. I have a Baldacci somewhere and he's been getting a lot of buzz around the blogs lately so I may have to see about picking it up.

Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books said...

Clearly I'm not on the treadmill enough ... I'm STILL working my way thru this one on the iPod. Definitely an edge-of-your-seat (or top-of-the-treadmill-belt) audio!

"James Patterson on steroids", indeed!

Serena said...

Dawn: This book had us going at some points that we took extra drives around the block to get to the beginning of the next