Your assignment is to post a poem in a form unique to a particular country, an example would be the sijo (Korea), haiku (Japan) or American Sentence (this is a single line of 17 syllables like a haiku. Created by Ginsberg).
Another option: post a favorite poem by a poet of color. Tell us a little about the poet and the poem.
Last option, post a poem that celebrates a particular country or culture. Tell us why you enjoy this poem.
Please cite the collections for your entries. Let us know if you own the collection containing your feature.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and post one of my previously published poems, which is in cinquain form, which is an American, five-line form inspired by Japanese Tanka and Haiku.
by: Serena M. Agusto-Cox
Red moon
burns in afternoon.
Char the meat upon ice,
Grin like frozen peas in the night,
and dance
Published in LYNX XVIII:3 SOLO in 2003.
What forms of poetry are your favorites and what makes you want to read them?
For me, Cinquain and Haiku are challenging because they are short and require a syllable count. Restrictions can sometimes help me think outside the box, while at the same time critically thinking about how I can fit images and ideas into a constricted space.
Don't forget my current giveaways:
2-year Blogiversary, here and here.
Very intriguing poem!
Thanks for stopping by to check it out.
Very cool poem, I like the images. I've heard of a cinquain before, but have never written one. I may have to give it a try!
you've tempted me to give it a try, too, though I'm mostly a traditional haiku kind of girl...thanks for sharing!
Ali: I really enjoy the cinquain form. Give it a try.
Zetta: Cinquain is very close to haiku. I think you'll enjoy it.
very nice serena!
Love that poem!
Diary of an Eccentric
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