Jun 22, 2009

Everything Austen Reading Challenge

Remember when I said I was only signing up for the Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge because it was about Vampires? Well, I've gone and done it. I'm signing up for the Everything Austen Challenge. Why all this torture?

Here's why:

1. It's Jane Austen
2. It's movies and books
3. It's Jane Austen Sequels
4. It's Jane Austen-inspired books
5. It's only 6 in any of these categories over the next 6 months (July 1, 2009 – January 1, 2010)

Isn't that enough reasons? Ok, here's another, there will be PRIZES, thanks to Stephanie's Written Word.

I'm going to commit to the challenge, and opt for movies and books, but I'll leave you in suspense as to which ones until I review them.

So, what are you waiting for?

Don't forget my current giveaways:

2-year Blogiversary, here and here.


Book Escape said...

Did you see the book, Mr. Darcy Vamypre by Amanda Grange. You can connect your two passions: vampires and Jane Austen.

I'm joining in the fun, too!

Anonymous said...

This isn't a challenge I could resist, either. I got a huge kick out of your lack of list and wait-till-I-review it plan. That's some good suspense and tension building, LOL!

Stephanie said...

Oh, can't wait to see what you decide to watch/read! Thanks for joining in!!

bermudaonion said...

Good luck!!

The Reading Momster said...

Sounds Good! Maybe I should also join ;)

Serena said...

BookEscape: I'm waiting for Mr. Darcy, Vampyre to arrive in my mailbox actually. I can't wait to read it.

Fuzzycricket: Thanks for the compliment. I really have a big appetite for these books, so who knows how many I will really read...it could be just 6 or it could be 26. LOL

Stephanie: Thanks for hosting the challenge. It's going to be fun.

Bermudaonion: Good luck to you if you join us as well.

Veens: Sign up. It will be fun.

Anonymous said...

Even I couldn't resist a Jane Austen challenge ,that too which allows you watch those movies. I signed up..

Anna said...

I think you've convinced me to join you. It'll be fun watching some movies together. I'll probably post this today.

Diary of an Eccentric

Serena said...

Shona: Thanks for joining us.

Anna: I hope you do join us because we can watch the movies together!

Jenners said...

Well if there are prizes involved ...

Serena said...

Jenners: I knew the mention of prizes would entice someone!

Toni said...

What a great challenge.. Good luck.. I am really wavering in my no more challenges commitment.

Serena said...

Toni: I fallen off that no-more-challenges commitment wagon twice in less than a week with the Sookie Stackhouse Challenge and the Everything Austen challenge.

Karen said...

I had promised myself no more challenges either but you are making me want to cave in with this one!!

Serena said...

Cave, Karen, cave!

Iliana said...

This sounds like such a fun challenge. I'm trying to resist it but I don't know, it'd be great incentive to read another Austen book! I'm hoping to read Persuasion this summer anyway... hmmm...

Good luck and have fun with it!

Serena said...


I can't wait to get started on this challenge, and I hope you'll join us. The more the merrier.

The Bookworm said...

oh my gosh, i'm running off to join now :O)
thanks for posting and happy reading.

Darlene said...

I caved in on this one too. It should be fun especially getting to watch a few movies in there too.

Serena said...

Naida: I couldn't resist and neither could you apparently.

Dar: This is just one of those challenges you can't say no to