I wanted to alert everyone to a fantastic article on My Friend Amy's blog from an online publicist, Lisa Roe, regarding the differences between traditional and book blogging publicity.
I want all of you to go over there to check it out and make some comments, generate some discussion.
Another friendly reminder about these contests:
1. Diary of an Eccentric is holding a contest for The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold and The Choice by Nicholas Sparks Deadline is Sept. 30
2. Savvy Verse & Wit is holding a contest for Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg as the first contest for Book Blogger Appreciation Week Deadline is Sept. 19
3. Savvy Verse & Wit is holding another contest for "A Coney Island of the Mind" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti as part of BBAW; Deadline is Sept. 19
3. Book Club Girl has a new contest today as well.
Please also double-check the growing list of giveaways at My Friend Amy's blog.
I saw that one, and I agree that it's worth reading!
Hi Serena!
Apologies that I did not see this and thank you earlier for mentioning my guest post. I have been in DC participating in a friend's wedding and have just returned home and am 'de-weddening'. :-) Many thanks for covering this. I'm happy you enjoyed it!
~Lisa Roe
Funny, I live near d.c. I hope that the wedding was not too hot for the bride and groom.
I was happy to mention your guest post, it was informative and very helpful to the writers that may be reading my blog.
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