Let's start with a couple of poetry posts where I examine a few poems published in Poetry magazine, here and here.
Also check out this post, here, for a couple poems from Lawrence Ferlinghetti's Coney Island of the Mind.
OK, now for another chance to enter the 2-year Savvy Verse & Wit blogiversary. Just leave a comment with who said the following quote:
"My loathings are simple: stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music."
Also, I wanted to show you some of the goodies that have been added to the giveaway prize list:

If you missed the first quote entry, check it out here.
Deadline for the giveaway is July 11, 2009, 11:59 PM EST
What you need to know:
1. Comment on this post with the answer to the quote.
2. Comment on this post about why you follow/read this blog.
3. Comment on this post about when you first started following this blog--an approximation.
4. Leave a link on this post to one of your favorite Savvy Verse & Wit posts.
5. Stay tuned for a new quote each week for another chance to enter.
Also, you have about 24 hours to enter the Secrets to Happiness by Sarah Dunn giveaway, go here.
"Vladimir Nabokov"
I am the first :)
Enter me please!
It was Vladimir Nabokov
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Yup, it was Nabokov! Love the quote, btw. And those are some great additions.
Diary of an Eccentric
This quote is from Vladimir Nabokov, an American born Russian author, died in 1977.
As has now been mentioned four times before me, your quote this week is from Vladimir Nabokov. Both quotes have been great choices!
I have been a reader/subscriber since September/October of 2008... not long after I became a blogger myself. I don't remember how I found you (and, Anna), but you two have been my "STAPLES" ever since. You are one of my ALL TIME favorite bloggers.
What do I like about you?
It's the small things.
It's the book reviews that are so eloquently written.
It's your heart that shines through in your posts.
It's the cool design of your blog that I love checking out.
I'm starting to get into the poetry..
You're just A MUST!
Congrats on your anniversary and many more to come!
Thanks for the opportunity to congratulate you and enter!
A Novel Menagerie
(well, you know me!)
Vladimir Nabokov. I think I subscribed to your blog during BBAW last year - that's when I discovered a lot of new blogs. I've kept you in my reader because I love reading what you have to say! milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I'm just here to wish you a happy blogiversary! Very cool. Hope you're having a great week.
1. Vladimir Nabokov
2. I love book blogs and I really enjoy your posts.
3. Sometime near the beginning of the year. Its when I really discovered blogs and yours was one of the first.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Looking at everyone else's answers, I must be right or we're all wrong. :) Nabokov!
Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary!!! Thanks so much for all you do for the community. I love the War Through the Generations Challenge and it's pretty much the only one I've been able to keep up. I'm half way there.
I started following your blog about a month ago. I found it from one of the other blogs I read, either The Novel Bookworm or Bingo, not sure. I love the look of your site and that you include a lot of poetry not just novels.
I'm clueless on the quote but I like it! And happy 2 Year Blogiversary! That is amazing! Here's to many more years!
fun challenge serena!
and congrats on your blogiversary :O)
Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Nabokov
I like that you include kiddy lit. I teach kindergarten.
I thought I was following but it's not showing up...following now.
Vladimir Nabokov
I've only been following book blogs for a couple of months now. I think I discovered your blog through Bermudaonion's Blog.
I love reading your reviews. I've even enjoyed the poetry.
Happy 2 Year Blogiversary!
Vladimir Nabokov. Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Blogoversary!
s.mickelson at gmail.com
Vladimir Nabokov (funny, we have similar loathings!)
I love the book reviews here. I've ended up adding many a new book to my wish list after reading your reviews. You've also introduced me to many books/authors I haven't heard of.
I've been following since May or so, I believe.
melacan at hotmail dot com
This is one of my favourite posts - great review and interview. After reading this, I added this book to my TBR list:
melacan at hotmail dot com
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