Feb 27, 2009

Drood by Dan Simmons

I recently received Drood by Dan Simmons for a Hachette Group Early Birds Blog Tour. Unfortunately, I have not finished this 775-page novel. However, I did want to share with you some information about this engaging work. Longer novels take me a long while to finish, but this is one that has me in suspense, and I'm eager to see it to its conclusion. There is one scene in particular that keeps haunting me, and it comes very close to the beginning. Moreover, this novel has peeked my interest in reading Charles Dickins' The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

Check out the giveaway instructions below.

From Hachette Group, about the book:

On June 9, 1865, while traveling by train to London with his secret mistress, 53-year-old Charles Dickens--at the height of his powers and popularity, the most famous and successful novelist in the world and perhaps in the history of the world--hurtled into a disaster that changed his life forever.

Did Dickens begin living a dark double life after the accident? Were his nightly forays into the worst slums of London and his deepening obsession with corpses, crypts, murder, opium dens, the use of lime pits to dissolve bodies, and a hidden subterranean London mere research . . . or something more terrifying?

Check out this fantastic Q&A with Dan Simmons, here.

Check out this Video of Dan Simmons talking about his book:

About the Author:

Dan Simmons was born in Peoria, Illinois, in 1948, and grew up in various cities and small towns in the Midwest, including Brimfield, Illinois, which was the source of his fictional "Elm Haven" in 1991's SUMMER OF NIGHT and 2002's A WINTER HAUNTING. Dan received a B.A. in English from Wabash College in 1970, winning a national Phi Beta Kappa Award during his senior year for excellence in fiction, journalism and art.

Dan received his Masters in Education from Washington University in St. Louis in 1971. He then worked in elementary education for 18 years -- 2 years in Missouri, 2 years in Buffalo, New York -- one year as a specially trained BOCES "resource teacher" and another as a sixth-grade teacher -- and 14 years in Colorado.

My favorite part from Dan Simmons' Web site is the photo of his workspace, check this out:

Giveaway: (Part of the BookRoom Reviews Giveaway Carnival)

Hachette Group is offering 3 copies of Drood to 3 lucky winners from U.S. and Canada, no P.O. boxes.

Leave me a comment here, other than "pick me" and "enter me"

You have until March 6, Midnight EST!


Here's the other bloggers on the tour:



Ladytink_534 said...

I keep hearing about this one (great pics and video by the way) and I'm a little curious. For some reason (the cover maybe?) I'm always reminded of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell when I see stuff about this one. Thanks for the giveaway chance!


bermudaonion said...

Leave it to you to find a picture of Dan Simmons' work space. I really enjoyed this book. Don't enter me.

Anna said...

I can't wait for your review of this book. Sounds interesting, and even though I'm not a huge Dickens fan, I say put my name in the hat! I enjoyed our discussion of the scene you found really disturbing and haunting. Not sure what it says about me, but I find it very intriguing!

Diary of an Eccentric

Amanda said...

This book was just recommended to me the other day by a friend, so I've decided to read it for my D selection in my A-Z Challenge. I'm glad to hear another person praise it. :)

Serena said...

LadyTink: I think that's what drew me to this book as well, but it is so interesting...I want to savor every page.

bermuda: You know I couldn't live without something about his workspace. :)

Anna: I think you'll like this book if you win.

Serena said...

Amanda, happy to oblige. I assume you would like to be entered in the contest!

Luanne said...

No need to pick me or enter me Serena. I'm just stopping by on the tour. It is a fascinating book isn't it? I love his workspace!! I'll be back to see what you think of the ending.

kalea_kane said...

I have read some great reviews of this book and I look forward to yours. I almost signed up for this one, but with Galway Bay also being a long one, I was afraid to take on Drood...now I am hitting myself! Please enter me for a chance to win! Thanks!



Serena said...

Luanne: His workspace is fantastic. I can't wait to get to the end, but I think I have to put it on hold to start Galway Bay for my March tour with Hatchette.

Kelly: Funny you should mention Galway Bay. I'm hitting myself right now! :) I have to pop this on the table and start that now.

Jo-Jo said...

I have heard so much about this book that I would love the opportunity to read it. I know it will also expand my vocabulary!

Serena said...

Jo-Jo: you are right on the vocabulary account. this one is being read at home so I know what the words me when I read them.

Toni said...

Hi there! I think I know what scene you are talking about. Yikes. Enjoy the book and take your time. I read into the wee hours last night. There are some faster paced parts later on and it goes by much faster.
Nice to stop by on Blog Tour Day! :)

Ti said...

I'm still reading it too so with all the reviews that were posted today for this book, I have to come back later to read them.

I love the book though. I recently read The Terror and it was the same thing. Long but so engrossing that I wanted to give it the time it deserved and to savor it as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds facinating from the description and all the reviews I've read. I'd love to be entered.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

This book sounds so creepy and fascinating at the same time. I can't wait to see your full review. From what I've seen at Bermudaonion's you need to keep a dictionary handy while reading it, though. Please enter me in the drawing!

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Mari said...

Long books take me forever to finish. This books sounds great, though. I would love a chance to read it. :)

avisannschild said...

This sounds like a fascinating book! I'm also kinda kicking myself for not jumping on board for the tour (though I suspect I might have had trouble finishing it in time too!). I look forward to reading your review!

Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Interesting that this has taken so long to gain momentum 'cause I think it came out before The Terror.

Just an observation from someone who watches the trends of what's hot and what's not. No need to enter me, of course...

Anonymous said...

Love the workspace photo - I think I'd spend all my time on that comfy-looking couch.

Minding Spot said...

This sounds very good and your pictures and video sharing are great. I particularly liked how his work space was shared. Awesome!

wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

This book sounds completely different from most books I've read. And I like the cover even though it creaps me out for some reason haha.

Bonnie said...

I love seeing the pictures of the authors work space! I passed on this tour also and wish I hadn't with all of the great reviews and information on this book. I will just have to enter all of the giveaways! Will you post more of your thoughts on the book when you finish it?

scottsgal said...

I just started the Terror and am really enjoying it. This book sounds very suspenseful. I love finding a new author to follow.

msboatgal at aol dot com

Serena said...

Red Lady-Bonnie: I will be posting a full review once I've finished. Though I may have to pare down my thoughts.

To all those commenting about the cover...it is creepy!

Anonymous said...

I live in Illinois and will have to check out Summer of Night and A Winter Haunting! Even though this novel is 775 pages long - I am still going to try to win it! Thanks for hosting the give-away.

kherbrand at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I am a big Dickens fan. Please enter me. Thanks!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Linda said...

I've admired Charles Dickens since reading A Tale of Two Cities in high school over 50 years ago, but sadly haven't read much else by him. This book sounds fascinating, and will perhaps inspire me to revisit Dickens, and Wilkie Collins.

donnas said...

This sounds like a fascinating book. I have been hearing about it and am now more than a little curious to read it.

April said...

Isn't this a fabulous book?! I am so glad that I was brave enough to tackle it, lol! I love Mr. Simmons's website also - the pictures are so fun to catch a glimpse into the person!

Unknown said...

I'd really like to read this book. Thanks for hosting the contest:)


Melwyk said...

I have a copy of The Terror that I'm saving for just the right moment... and considering I enjoy both Dickens' work and Dan Simmons work, I can't see not liking Drood! Glad to see you aren't rushing to finish it, instead savouring those haunting scenes.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Aw, "pick me" and "enter me" aren't good enough comments? ;) I completely agree! lol

Drood sounds really good to me because it blends thriller/horror with history, and since I like both of those genres individually, I figure I'll also like this.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading Dan Simmons for years and have looked forward to Drood ever since I first heard about it.

Miriam said...

Good luck finishing it!! :)

Serena said...

Miriam: I'm sure I will finish it, and post a full review.

Darlene said...

Serena, I'm trying like the dickens to win this book. lol. I'd love to read it, I just didn't want a time limit as it's big. So, I'm hoping somewhere along the line here I'll win a copy. You know where to find me by now I'm sure. lol.

KR said...

I just started reading Terror. I'd love to read this one too.

The Bookworm said...

great post, I have seen this one around other blogs too.
no need to enter me hun, my TBR mountain is out of control! lol
enjoy your reading :)


Anonymous said...

You got me with the words corpses and opium!


Anonymous said...

Wow. And that's all I can say. This sounds like an awesome read and I am dying for one.

Jenners said...

I have a friend who would love this ... I'm going to pass on this info to him! If a book is this big, I think I will now "kindle" it! HAHA

Sherrylinn said...

This sounds like a very good book. Thanks for the chance to win!

slcremer at gmail dot com

carlene said...

Please include me in your drawing. Sounds like a great book and I cant wait to read it.

MonieG said...

I've been wanting to read this ever since I listed to The Terror on audio. Dan Simmons is an amazing author! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Enter me please. Thanks! This looks like it'd be a really good book, and like it'd take longer than a day or two to read, which is a pleasant change from most. I love Charles Dickens, so anything featuring him as a character is something I really want to read.


Anonymous said...

And how are you finding the vocabulary? Are you remembering all the words that BermudaOnion defined for us? I'm very curious about this book...

Sage Ravenwood said...

I often like travelling off the beaten track with popular writers. Most are familiar with Dickens "A Christmas Carol", or a "Tale of Two Cities". My favorite of Dickens is "The Old Curiosity Shop". It speaks of loneliness and a need to challenge our place in society. There is of course without a doubt a dark element in some of Dickens writing.

So to see Wilke, Dickens and Dan Simmons enmeshed in the same book, is pure delight. Please enter me in the drawing for this book.

I was not surprised to see Dan Simmons bookshelves were just as waylaid and overflowing as our own. Thanks hon! (Hugs)Indigo

Teddy Rose said...

I love books that include classic authors in them! That is why I would love to win this book.

I blogged about your giveaway here:


Anonymous said...

I read about this book in our local paper last weekend. A couple of my fellow book club members have blogs and are reading Drood. At first I wasn't sure this was a book I would enjoy but after reading the review in The Sunpaper, I am excited to read it and better yet, own it. Please enter me. Thank you. Vicki

Meg89 said...

I'm so excited to read this book!

Anonymous said...

It's Drood Fever! This book is all over the blogs and so am I trying to win it ; D Thanks for the great giveaway and for the review- good job!


Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway. I have read so many great things about this book.

Unknown said...

I'm curious about this book -there's been a lot of buzz for it!

I'm jealous of Dan's office space! It looks both huge and comfy!

cecilia | cecpham(at)gmail.com

windycindy said...

I thoroughly enjoyed his book
"Terror!" and this one also sounds
fabulous. What an intriguing story of Charles Dickens that I have never heard about! I would really appreciate being entered in your book giveaway drawing. Many thanks,

Nancy said...

Wow this book sounds dark, bizarre and fascinating! I've heard a little about it and can't wait to read it. Thanks for the info and giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My brother in law is a huge fan of charles dickens and I'd love to give this to him. It sounds like a mysterious thriller. Thanks. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to read some Dan Simmons. Maybe this will be a good stimulus to do so...

Thanks for the nifty giveaway (email in profile).

Rue said...

I've heard some great stuff about this book and am intrigued. Thanks for the chance to win!
ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com

Belladonna1975 said...

I read alot of Simmons when I was younger but I haven't read any books like this in a while. I saw someone's comment that it reminded them of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and that has me sold! I loved that book.



Amanda said...

Yes, please Serena! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! I'm so lame at returning to read responses. :) I suppose i should give you my address, too - amandagignac [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

Deborah said...

I'm hearing a lot of buzz about "Drood" - I'll have to put it on my TBR list. asthenight at gmail dot com

Irene said...

I really would like to read this book. Please enter me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love Dan Simmons writing so Drood has been on my wishlist. A sad fact- I have had a copy of Wilke Collins "The Woman in White" on my TBR shelf for over 2 years! Perhaps this will motivate me to read it. Thanks for the chance :D


A Reader said...

I'm going to London in June, so this looks like a great read.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Ronnica said...

That sounds very intriguing...especially since I'm big fan of Dickens!

Angela C said...

Sounds like a great book. I just started reading my first Dan Simmons book and am looking forward to reading more by this author:)

Anonymous said...

This book has been popping up everywhere, and I have yet to read a bad review. It looks like a fun read!


Ellie Wright said...

I love Dan Simmons and this book sounds great. One of my all time favorites is The Terror. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.

toohotforturtle said...

What a wonderfully intriguing concept for a book.

techyone said...

I'm reading Terror now and can't wait to read Drood. The interview makes me more interested.

velocibadgergirl said...

This book sounds creepy and cool, and I love historical fiction that centers around a real author.

Thanks for hosting!

:) velocibadgergirl at gmail dot com

Qwill said...

I loved patricia cornwell's book about Jack the Ripper. This sounds just as interesting.

demmi said...

I just finished the terror so I think I would enjoy this book con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

bettycd said...

It's been a long time since I read a Dickens book. I like reading historical fiction

D Q said...

I have just recently heard about this book and I am intrigued.

Marie said...

I love historical fiction and I have heard wonderful things about this book, would love a chance to read it!


Sara said...

HI, can you count me in? I AM a Dickens fan, and I haven't cracked a book above 700 pages yet this year.

Thanks! Sararush (at) hotmail (dot) com.

Literary Feline said...

I would love the chance to win a copy of Drood. I am currently reading The Woman and White and am looking forward to reading a book featuring the author as a character. Thanks for this opportunity!

Literary Feline said...

I forgot to leave my e-mail address! Oops!

Literaryfeline AT gmail DOT com

Debbie said...

How cool to have a photo of where he works! I read a review of this elsewhere and thought it sounded great.

Anonymous said...

That is a neat photo of his workspace and would love to read this book.


deltay said...

His workspace looks awesome! So many shelves + a comfy looking couch :)

lucidconspiracy AT gmail DOT com

Theresa N. said...

Sounds like a very haunting tale.
Theresa N

a real librarian said...

I have heard amazing things about this book - I can't wait to read it!!


Anonymous said...

A long novel can keep me busy for a while!
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Cheryl Vanatti said...

I'm just starting Great Expectations for the Classics Challenge so this would be a fun companion book :-)

windycindy said...

Greetings! This books sounds amazing. I have never heard about this history about Charles Dickens!
Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Leslie said...

The cover of the book is dark, foreboding, and haunting. The book itself sounds great from the reviews that I have read. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am really curious about this novel because so many have loved it. I would loved to be entered into your contest,
Serena. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

caseykelp said...

THis is on my TBR list, would love to have a chance to win and read it. It sounds like a real good read doesn't it. Thank you for the giveaway.

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

I've been visiting many of the blogs participating in this tour and I can honestly say I've gone from thinking this is not a book for me to this is a book I MUST read! I'm hooked! Thanks for hosting and I look forward to your review once you've finished!


Carolyn Sharkas said...

The more I read about this book, the more I need to read it. It sounds intriging and a little scary, lol.

thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

Jeanette J said...

I have read reviews for this book on various websites and they are all good. I really would like to read it so please enter me.

Rhonda said...

Fascinating. I would like to read this for myself to decide if Dickens could have had a second life personality.

rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca

Jinxy and Me said...

I have heard good things about this book and would like to read it for myself. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

I've read some good things about this book, so I am wanting to give it a good read. I've also heard some good things about you, Serena (mostly that you're cool..), so I started to follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

I think I would like to read this book.

Anonymous said...

I think I would like to read this book.

Kimberly B. said...

I have read some great reviews of this book, and I would love to read it!

nfmgirl said...

I'd love the chance to win this book! Dan Simmons is great! Thank you!

Iliana said...

Please throw my name in the hat Serena. This sounds like it'll be tons of fun!

Megan said...

I keep hearing great things about this book around the blogosphere. Oddly enough I don't have a whole lot of love for Dickens' literature but for A Christmas Carol (and are there really people who don't like A Christmas Carol?), but I'm wildly curious about this book! That said, I'd love to have a chance at the giveaway. Thanks! =)

toadacious1 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

Have been reading about this book all over the blogs. It looks kind of creepy, but seems really interesting - like one of those books you start & then just can't put down.

Please count me in! Thanks,
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

Nickolay said...

There is still a lot of Winter left. In this 2nd snowiest month of the year, I am in the market for some new reading. This looks great


Shelley said...

I love Dickens and would love to experience this blast from the past!

saz AT chainreader DOT com

Jennifer said...

I've heard wonderful things about Simmons' writing and I would love the chance to give his work a try. Thanks so much for the opportunity!

kairilily at yahoo dot com

Tracey said...

I really like Dan simmons and have been wanting to read this just havent gotten around to it. Thanks for the great giveaway

Anonymous said...

this looks like an interesting book. i'd love to read it!

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

Nicole said...

This looks like a good book. I definitely want to read this.

Pamela S said...

Sounds like a brooding book that would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

That's quite a work space! I'd like to read this book. Thanks.

-Terra H.

Molly C. said...

This sounds like a really cool book. I would love the chance to win a copy to read. And I promise to pass it along to a friend too.

Heather B said...

This is definitely towards the top of my list of things to read

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to read your work, enjoyed the video.


yadgirl said...

This is the third review that I've seen that makes this book sound engrossing. I'd love to win!

carlene said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

Anita Yancey said...

I have seen some great reviews on this book. It sounds great, and I would love to read it. Thanks for having this giveaway.
